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Master These 5 Popular Pole Dance Moves

Whether these are brand-new or practiced to perfection, consider adding these Pole Dance tricks to your list of favorites. Everyone has their favorite Pole Dance moves that they love to practice — but sometimes, new inspiration needs to strike. New Pole Dancers can enjoy a whole range of tricks to work towards, while practiced Pole Dancers can find comfort in returning to the basics. While everyone can take advantage of online Pole Dance classes , give these a try during your next session. Cradle Spin Level: Beginner This is a fun way to jazz up a sexy walk around the pole without climbing or inverting. To set up, slide your inside hand down to push against the pole, while your outside hand pulls your body in perpendicular to the pole. Bring those knees in to get into a ball, For best results, perform this move on spin, to get extra rotations in and create a beautiful shape. Jasmine Level: Beginner/Intermediate Jasmine is the ultimate transition move. This sideways trick is often the f...

The 5 Best Reasons to Start Learning Pole Dancing!

Simply more than an exotic dance form, pole dancing is a powerful combination of gymnastics, ballet, and modern dance moves performed around a pole. Involving many tricks and moves, it is like a dance workout that is captivating to various audiences. The flowing movements often cover a floor routine and some filler moves; however, it takes practice to perfect these moves if you are a beginner.

If you are wondering how difficult it is to learn pole dancing, should you give it a start or not? Check out the below reasons that will make you try pole dancing.

The Many Benefits of learning pole dancing for beginners

Fat Burning

It is easy to burn lots of calories and fats with pole dancing, no matter your body shape. This is because while you do pole dancing, you are challenged to use muscles that you usually don’t use in your everyday life. Pole dancing incorporates exercises that include aerobics, ballet, gymnastics, and Pilates techniques. Cardio is another significant component in the form of dance. It will tone body muscles while also increasing flexibility and overall fitness.

Furthermore, Pole Dancing helps expand your lung capacity and maintain a healthy heart rate while burning calories and fat.

Fun and Exciting

Beginners usually love to continue pole dancing because of the exciting feeling they get after the first class. This is because it usually does not feel like a classic workout, as it is entertaining to learn Pole Dancing. Apart from being a fun and exciting activity, it keeps you healthy and away from diseases such as stroke, high blood pressure, heart attack, and diabetes in later life.


Believe it or not, there are multiple ways to use the pole. The most common way is to use it as a partner in a ballroom-based dance, while it can also be used as a dance tool to hold onto and perform tricks. The versatility welcomes different passions and backgrounds to build self-esteem, with no previous experience in dance, sports, or aerobics required. Irrespective of age, weight, shape, and height, pole fitness caters to everyone.

Your whole body is targeted

Pole dancing is one of those wonderful workouts that target the entire body –arms, shoulders, upper back, lower back, core, abdominals, glutes, calves, wrists, and more. By just doing pole dancing, you can work on all areas.

It gives you a sense of exhilaration when climbing up a pole, holding your weight, and flying around in circles.

Get instant results

Since pole dancing for beginners is entertaining and fast-paced, it can be considered equivalent to a gym session that is guaranteed to make you sweat. It will help you achieve your fitness goals but also help you improve balance, flexibility, posture, gain energy, and most importantly, confidence.

Pole dancing at home is a fun and sexy exercise you can enjoy in the privacy of your home with online classes like Lush Motions.

If you are interested in learning Pole dancing at home, Start Your Free 7-Day Trial at Joining an online pole dancing lesson is a great way to learn in the comfort of your own home, where you can go at your own pace as your fitness levels allow.


Is Pole Dancing a good workout?

Pole dancing is a fun way to lose weight and get in shape. It is more than an exotic dance form that keeps you fit and enhances your self-confidence.

Is Pole Dancing difficult to learn?

Learning Pole Dancing is not difficult as it seems. Getting structured and professional instructions can make beginners get well on their way to dancing, climbing, and spinning like a pro.

How can I learn pole dancing at home?

Pole dancing is a fun exercise to enjoy in the privacy of your own home. If you are a beginner or a professional, you can join the online Pole Dance class like Lush Motion’s or access the free 7-day trial to start learning at home.

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